Chinese publication industry consultation report 中国天然气产业发展研究报告
About chinese publication during the period of transformation 论转型时期的中国出版业
Acquires 5 - year exclusive rights of advertising agency for two chinese publications 取得两份杂志五年之独家广告代理权益
The fraud charge for which he was convicted involved an unrelated 2001 incident when he was working as a journalist for a chinese publication 赵岩被判欺诈罪和2001年发生的另一起事件有关。当时赵岩是一家中国出版物的记者。
Qin jia yuan media services company limited hkex : 2366 announces that it has acquired 5 - year exclusive rights of advertising agency for two chinese publications : chinese red cross weekly and caritas monthly , with a priority to renew for another 5 years 勤缘媒体服务有限公司股份编号: 2366宣布已获中国红十字报及博爱杂志之五年再优先续约五年之独家广告代理权益。